Thursday 1 April 2010

Hobby Fund (1st April)

Not a bad month, zero purchases, and a reasonable number of sales, though I'll admit not quite as many as I'd hoped having chucked a chunk of my Praetorian spares on the For Sale list. I may just chance my luck with the whims of ebay towards the end of next month, will see how it goes, as I'd like to try an finish paying off the Reaver Fund, hopefully though I'll be seeing the rest of the income from the sale of my Space Marines and from a few commissions which would get me most of the way there.

I've also, as I'm sure you may have noticed, succumbed to adding a single Google Ads banner to the top of the posts section, I hope this is'nt too detracting from the blog, I do have plans for any funds this brings in, but google ads terms & conditions means I can't elaborate on them which is a shame really.

Once the Reaver is paid off I'll be saving up with the Hobby Fund for the purchase of a Realm of Battle Gaming Table and the equipment to begin metal casting for a future endevour, time to practice my boat building skills...

  • Starting Balance 1st March = £3.26

  • Sales in March = £71.46

  • Sales Fee's in March = -£3.87

  • Purchases in March = £0.00

  • Misc Income/Outgoings = £0.00

  • Reaver Fund Repayment = -£58.00

  • Balance 1st April = £12.85

  • Reaver Fund Outstanding = £150.00

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Metal casting, huh? So are you being lured into it by pewter or something a bit warmer like bronze? Best of luck with that, it is something that I too wish to take a venture into...